“Finance is a language. A way of communicating with each other so that we can exchange information quickly and efficiently”. This is what Susan Marcussen-Geelen, our financial management tutor, tells us.
Because of her dyslexic background, she has developed a special method which she uses in her classes on our MBA course and in the taster classes she teaches. She presents all the financial management topics in a coherent way that everyone can understand. Her motto is: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.
Susan teaches you to use the language of finance to ask better questions, understand what is happening and define the right actions. Because, as she points out: “Every idea you want to achieve starts with a good financial plan”. Susan makes the 4 goals of a financial plan tangible with everyday non-financial examples. Watch her TEDx Talk to see how she does it.
View Susan Marcussen-Geelen’s LinkedIn profile.
Also listen to Susan’s podcast on her Financial Management.bly topic.