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Factsheet MBA Programmes

An overview of key facts about Business School Netherlands’ MBA programmes, including student satisfaction, pass rates and average results.

BSN erkende kwaliteit | Factsheet MBA-opleidingen

Factsheet MBA Programmes

Student Learning Outcome (SLO) assessment results MBA 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Out of 100
1. Strategic policy development 76,9 76,6 76,9 77,3 81
2. Improvement / development of working methods 76,9 77,0 81,7 79,3 81,4
3. Policy development / implementation of a year plan 78,6 82,4 84,2 82,6 84,6
4. Entrepreneurship 74,2 73,9 73,5 79,4 78
5. Leadership 76,7 77,1 82,8 83 83,8
6. Decision-making 74,1 73,9 74,2 77,5 75,9
7. Ethical responsibility 72,0 71,3 72,8 77,3 76,9
8. Cooperation 73,1 73,8 74,5 79,9 78,8
9. Communication 78,8 78,2 79,3 80,9 76,6
10. Analysing, information-processing and problem-solving abilities 75,4 74,7 74,8 79,5 75,4
11. Learning and personal development 75,4 75,2 76,5 79,9 77,5
12. International awareness 83,6 85,4 85,2 82,1 84,8
Average  76,3 76,6 78 79,9 81,4 stable on high level
Student satisfaction, per year, per MBA programme 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 out of 10
Executive MBA and Action Learning MBA 7,9 7,9 8,0 7,9 7,4
International Action Learning MBA 8,3 8,2 8,2 8,4 8,4
% scored below the norm of 7 1% 2% 1% 2% 14%
Student numbers MBA 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New students 601 339 319 935 778
Deregistrered students 116 126 17 299 245
Graduated 470 501 455 684 481
Programme results MBA 2023
Graduation rate Executive MBA and Action Learning MBA 91%
Graduation rate International Action Learning MBA 87%
Average study time 36 months


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