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Examination Board

Business School Netherlands is recognised by the Minister of Education as a University of Applied Sciences and has an Examination Board like other universities and colleges.

BSN erkende kwaliteit | examencommissie

What is the role of the board of examiners?

The Board of Examiners is responsible for ensuring the quality of the examinations and the final level. It decides on requests for exemptions, examines tests and examinations, monitors the prevention of fraud/plagiarism and proposes improvements to tests and procedures where necessary. It also appoints the examiners after a thorough evaluation of the syllabus.

The Board of Examiners consists of the following members:

Maarten van Rooij, Chair Person
Corné van Hest, Internal Member
Marja Creemers, External Member
Anita Moolhuizen, Secretary

Examination Board sessions in 2024:
  • 26 January
  • 5 April
  • 24 May
  • 5 July
  • 20 September
  • 15 November
What can you expect from the Examination Board?

The Board of Examiners is established in accordance with section 7.12 of the Higher Education Act. The Board of Examiners ensures that the degrees awarded by the programme are based on a responsible and fair assessment of the knowledge, skills and attitudes pursued by the programme. The Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) are the starting point for the work of the Examining Board. Examinations, the process during and around examinations, and the assessment of work play an important role in the work of the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners appoints examiners, ensures the proper conduct of examinations and inspections, combats cheating, determines the sanctions to be applied to students who cheat, promotes and monitors the quality of examinations, decides on the application of the TER and considers whether special circumstances justify exceptions to the rules. The Examination Board is also responsible for granting exemptions and admitting students to examinations or tests. The board also assists BSN in maintaining the quality of examinations. The board regularly checks that examinations are being conducted responsibly.

A situation may arise where you should consider contacting the board. However, it is always advisable to contact your student counsellor first to check whether a formal approach to the board is necessary or desirable. If this is the case, you will formally appeal the decision in writing.

If you believe that you are entitled to an exemption for a particular course or component, you may submit an exemption request. In this request, you must specifically state the course or unit for which you believe you are entitled to an exemption and why. Most exemptions are discussed or granted at the beginning of the programme. If you wish to restart your studies, it is advisable to apply for and discuss exemptions with the Dean of Studies in advance. The Board of Examiners, in consultation with the Dean, will then decide whether the request can be granted.

First point of contact for the Examination Board

The first point of contact is the Examination Board Secretary. Questions for information can be sent by e-mail ( Formal enquiries to the Board must be made in writing.

Examination Board
F.a.o. Anita Moolhuizen
Herenstraat 25
The Netherlands

In your letter, please include at least
  • Your name, group, address, city, telephone number and e-mail address;
  • Your education and the stage you are in;
  • A clear description of your request or objection. Refer to the Rules (OER) or any additional guidance;
  • Any relevant special circumstances and, if possible, include supporting documentation.


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