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Advisory Board

Business School Netherlands is advised by its own Advisory Board on the modernisation of training themes and content.

BSN erkende kwaliteit | Raad van Advies

Our Advisors

Expert International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board (IAB) of Business School Netherlands, consisting of 17 international experts, plays an essential role in advising the business school at a strategic level. The members, who come from diverse international backgrounds and various sectors in the business world, bring valuable knowledge and international experience. Their main task is to provide the business school with advice on long-term goals, growth, and innovation. Through their extensive network, they open opportunities for new collaborations and oversee the progress of strategic initiatives. The IAB helps to keep Business School Netherlands sharp and its leadership programmes future-proof.

Business Advisory Council

For the modernisation of educational themes and their content, Business School Netherlands is advised by its own Business Advisory Council. This council consists of 6 members. The members are MBA and/or DBA alumni and represent both profit and non-profit organisations, SMEs, and multinationals.

Once or twice a year, this Council meets to advise our business school on what management and managers need to know, be able to do, and what their attitude should be in the future. The Council issues non-binding advice. For adjustments to the programmes, advice is also sought from tutors, and feedback from students is utilised.

International Advisory Board

Anjaney Borwankar

Co-Founder & Chief Executive, Navozyme

Annette Nijs


Bing Han

Director Asia

Danny Zandamela

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, BiD-Me
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Funke Okoya

Executive Director, NOVA Merchant Bank Ltd.

Hansatu Adegbite

National Consultant, UN Women

John de Kok

CEO, Technobis Group

John Zhang


Juanita Bouwer

Director International

Lere Baale

CEO, BSN Nigeria

Mark van Rij

Country Manager United Kingdom, Chint Solar
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Michelé Schliesser

Chief Information Officer, South African Reserve Bank

Nike Adeyemi

Founder & President, Real Woman International

Okey Okere

Director BSN Impact Centre for Great Leadership
Toine van den Heuvel | Dean bij Business School Nederland

Toine van den Heuvel

Operations Management

Wim van den Bosch

CEO, Agrifac Machinery B.V.

Zizamele Makhaza

Chairman, Safer South Africa Foundation

Business Advisory Council

Adri Fijneman

Specialist Agile enterprise, a3-agility

Annemiek Beijer

Afdelingshoofd Projecten en Specialisaties, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

Bert van Veldhuizen

Eigenaar, Bert van Veldhuizen - Advies en coaching

Gerard Ekhart

Founder & CEO, Revitalize Industry
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Iris Geskus

Docent en coach Bedrijfskunde, HU University of Applied Science

Jan van der Laan

Recruitmentconsultant en eigenaar, Fygi


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